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September 21, 2021
Know Your Numbers: Your Balance Sheet
You have to put the hard yards in. Hustle, learn and grow. There will be failures along the way, but get yourself back up again and…
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October 5, 2021
Should you buy or lease your business assets?
Should you buy or lease your new motor vehicle or plant and equipment? This is a question we are asked all the time. There are certain…
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October 7, 2021
Rental Tax Changes: Interest Limitation Rules
Do you own a residential rental property? The Government has now released draft legislation on Interest tax deductibility for rentals – the changes take effect from…
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October 12, 2021
Are you a Director or a Leader?
Who do you think you are? What is it that you are wanting to attract? What are you dreaming of creating? In order to achieve those…
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November 23, 2021
Getting a Tax Break on your Insurance
Is your income protection insurance bundled up with other premiums in a personal payment? You might be missing the opportunity to claim it on your tax…
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December 1, 2021
BNZ + ASB Introduce New Mortgage Lending Restrictions
BNZ and ASB have introduced debt-to-income (DTI) restrictions – how do they work and how will they impact first-home buyers and investors? In June this year,…
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December 14, 2021
Is your business an attractive proposition to Gen Z talent?
To be a great business person, you must be a great observer.  And observe you must!  It doesn’t require much to see the significant shift in the business…
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December 21, 2021
Staying on track with your personal budget
Do you have a personal budget? You might be surprised to know that when we talk with business owners and we ask “how much do you…
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January 17, 2022
Liquidating Old and Surplus Inventory: 10 Smart Ways to Get Rid of Excess Stock
Quick take: This post will showcase the many ways to handle surplus stock. You’ll learn:  How to creatively sell and market excess stock How to avoid having…
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March 23, 2022
Changes to the Small Business Cashflow Loan Scheme
Changes to the Small Business Cashflow Loans Scheme increase the amount of funding available to eligible businesses through the introduction of a “top-up” loan. Speak to…
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March 29, 2022
Additional Covid Support Available Now
With the whole country having spent months at the red ‘traffic light’ setting, many businesses have been struggling. The Government has more support available for those…
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May 19, 2022
Do You Understand Your Business Finances?

I know, I know..….. I get it! You went into business because you are good at what you do, right? Now you need to know your debits from your credits and your P+L from your balance sheet! Sounding like another language?

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