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August 28, 2020
Not many people like change. We feel happy, content and satisfied with the status quo. But as I have said before, we are not living in…
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October 11, 2020
The Social Dilemma
Have you watched “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix? I watched it over the weekend. It was very similar to a podcast I had listened to “Rabbit…
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October 16, 2020
What does an Accountant do?
14 things you didn’t know an accountant could do  Accountants do more than you think. They can give you strategic advice and come up with clever…
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April 5, 2021
Bright-line Test Announcement
Government’s announcement last week on proposed changes for residential property has had much publicity and commentary. Our housing epidemic has progressively worsened and the government’s divide…
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May 3, 2021
The Upper Limit Problem
Have you ever heard of the Upper Limit Problem? I hadn’t either until I watched this interview by Susie Moore with Gay Hendricks – author of…
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May 11, 2021
The Right to Disconnect
Work-related burnout is a real issue. I speak with numerous business owners and, this may surprise you, but not all are trying to grow their bottom…
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July 8, 2021
Negative Chit Chat
Do you have that negative self -talk chattering away in your head from time-to-time – Chatty Cathy or Monkey Mind? As business owners this can be…
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August 3, 2021
Are you a slave to your Business?
Feeling like a slave to your business? Your business is there to serve you – not you to serve the business. It’s your business, you make…
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August 10, 2021
Are you a Time Waster?
Are you struggling with disruptions, shifting priorities and frustrating re-work? Streamline your processes and boost your efficiency! We all have the same 1,440 minutes each day,…
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August 24, 2021
Let’s Explore Ways to Increase Profit vs Cash
I have worked with a lot of clients and so often there is a misunderstanding that profit and cash are the same thing. Do you understand…
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August 31, 2021
Shortening Your Working Capital Cycle to Free Up Cash
Covid-19 highlighted the importance of managing your working capital cycle & reducing how long cash is tied up in the sales process. More money won’t solve…
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September 10, 2021
Cash is not profit
Cash is King. It is the lifeblood of any business. The purpose of a business is to make money, and that means you have to know…
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