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May 3, 2022
Business Tips: Writing a Mission Statement

Click here to view quick fire videos Xero Accounting System.

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March 18, 2020
How to future-proof your business during COVID-19
At NH+A we help our clients reach mind, time and financial freedom. During these periods, all of those can seem difficult to obtain. It is an…
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March 24, 2020
There is a silver lining in every dark cloud
How businesses can embrace change during COVID-19 It seems like everyday brings a new wave of anxiety and uncertainty at the moment. Without playing down the…
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April 8, 2020
The conversations businesses should be having right now
How long, how deep and how bad?” are all questions that business owners are all grappling with in this uncertain economic climate. What I think we…
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May 3, 2020
Immediate deductions for low-value assets
The Government’s Business Continuity package aims to keep people in work and support businesses. One of the proposals related to tax relates to the purchase of…
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May 8, 2020
10 steps to achieving balance as we move to Level 2
As we move from Level 3 to Level 2 we need to remain mindful of all that we have learnt during the Lockdown. After most of…
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May 16, 2020
The value of cashflow forecasting during a crisis + rebuild phase
During the ongoing coronavirus crisis and now especially, whilst we are heading to the rebuild stage, many sectors are seeing income either disappear completely or drop…
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June 18, 2020
Reduce your debtor days and improve your cashflow
Managing the gap between the receiving money into your business and paying money out of your business is vital for sustaining viability. Debtor days is the…
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June 21, 2020
Smart Ways to Get Rid of Excess Stock
For retailers, having excess stock will not only take up precious backroom or shelf space, but can also tie up capital and can keep you from…
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August 4, 2020
Understanding Your Profit and Loss Statement
Your profit and loss statement (P+L) helps you understand your business performance and profitability over time. It’s sometimes called an Income Statement and its main purpose…
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August 14, 2020
What is Working Capital
If cashflow is the lifeblood of your business, then working capital is the health check you should regularly undertake to keep your business alive. Regularly checking…
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August 21, 2020
Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations
Challenging times are the best times to address your strategic plan, to review and amend; or to even start a robust plan. The learnings and clarity…
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